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gallery ON THE HILLでは、現代アートや美しい手仕事の作品などを愛する者同士が


Great artwork has the power to move and touch people.

“Something new” is weaved and created from interaction with such artwork and people like a chemical reaction.

gallery ON THE HILL provides “time and venue” for those who cherish modern art and beautiful handicraft pieces to “meet and gather”, and aims to communicate “something new” from Daikanyama, Tokyo.


代官山ヒルサイドテラス内にあるアートスペース・gallery ON THE HILLは、現代アートや美しい手仕事を紹介する展示・イベントを行っています。

gallery ON THE HILL is an art event space located within the premises of Daikanyama Hillside Terrace which hosts exhibitions and events that share contemporary art and beautiful handicraft with visitors.

私たちが出会い、繋がりを持つアーティストや作家と共に、gallery ON THE HILLのギャラリースペースを活用した、独自性の高い展覧会の企画・制作・運営を行います。また、国内外のギャラリーと共同の展覧会プロデュースも行います。

We plan, produce, and host highly original exhibitions in collaboration with artists and writers we had encountered and with whom we have wonderful relationships using the gallery space of the gallery ON THE HILL. We also participate in the production of joint exhibitions together with other galleries in Japan and abroad.

- Exhibition Production


We have an extensive network across various genres that was developed through our working experience. We produce events teeming with creativity in collaboration with artists, writers, tea ceremony experts, curators, designers, stylists, shop owners, developers, and others.

- Event Production


We support the activities of artists with whom we have a strong relationship. We will offer follow-up assistance in the production of exhibitions and work collections as well as their promotional activities, and develop novel collaborative approaches with them.

- Art Management

国内外を問わず、芸術性が高く日々の暮らしの中に生きる美しい手仕事の作品などを、販売という形でご紹介します。gallery ON THE HILLが提案する、上質なライフスタイルをお届けします。 

We also share beautiful handicrafts from Japan and other countries that are highly artistic and can be harnessed in everyday life through the sales of these items. We aim to bring the high-quality lifestyle that we have advocated to as many people as possible.

- Online Shopping

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